Finally- A nest of our own

So many things happened recently!

We confirm on our new flat at punggol! Going for the first appointment on the 19th Aug. Excited totally! Just that we sort of agreed to only renovate it next year 1st Quarter. But still totally COOLZ to have a place we can call our own!

Thanks to B-Zhai. Gynae Yvoone confirm the cyst in my ovary. Need to go for a day surgery to remove + clean the womb properly. Sighz..need to think of how to claim all the insurance. Hopfully, all will be solved in these 2 weeks 🙂

OOOO Jay’s concert was GOOD! Unfortunately, I didnt feel that it has many climax or high points. He could have sang more common songs that appeal to the audience better. The effects everything was quite good especially the first portion where a 3D imaging was shown. Tat was awesome!

Last 2 wks, uncle mark was in reservist. Didnt like being in his house all alone. Felt slightly weird. Now tat he is’s much better! 😉

Need sleep now…feeling tired. Update again with pics in the future!