My day of work…what’s yours like?

It’s so difficult to squeeze in some me-time recently. Esp w uncle Markie serving e nation. So these 2 weeks, it’s me, Eli and my mum every evening.

I am not sure if it’s due to the environment that causes e fellow to reject my mum or he is just throwing his weight around to show off his temperamental side, taking care of him had became difficult.

His clingy behavior and any slight deviation from his eye zone made doing anything difficult. That includes going to e toilet, making milk or even bathing tough.

It’s quite ridiculous to see him cry at e slightest thing like my mum touching him and he pushing her away…but my mum bathing him is possible coz he loves water. At night he must wriggle to my side of e bed and personally watch my hands patting him. A change in personnel results in e best brawling his eyes out. Of course all these behavior is nil at my parents’ place. No tantrums, zero problems. Just hyper. And people ask me why I always say Eli is naughty when he is quite manageable outside. Answer, his true colours only manifest at home!

Anyway, out of e toughness, routine sets in pretty strictly.
My typical day now look like this:

530am-wake up, pack Eli’s school bag, make milk, pack my own bag
630am-get Eli ready in e midst of cleaning him, changing him & settling him w a story or watching word world
700am-send Eli to school and rush to work
745 till 4plus is pure work. Of course there will be days where work ends later like today…6pm and I am still otw home…😵
5pm-reach home to cook, clean e floors, do laundry, get e rubbish out and wash bottles (freaking never ending chores)
6pm-fetch Eli!
Then it’s a whole routine of changing, feeding, bathing, going for walks, reading stories, watching word world and calling uncle markie to say good night…all in a span of 3hrs! Total whirlwind!
9pm-after much difficulty settling e kiddo to bed, it will be marking books time…
11pm, 2am, 530am feed milk…e day seems never ending. And all thanks to e clingy boy…he rejects being with my mum alone…I have to do pretty much everything. Totally terrific!

In midst of all, my typical day at times feels like a hurricane. Makes me miss uncle markie…at least e share of attention from Eli will relieve me greatly!

I never really felt the taste of freedom so badly until e morning when I placed Eli in infant care prior to work and e sudden instant wave of gladness, relief and other mixed emotions overwhelmed me! Totally hundred percent likes! Felt guilty for a split second for thinking myself to b a bad mum but really! Wow!

Then perverse me sets in again in e day looking at his photos and go incorrigible brat! Look at him grow blah blah…sighz

Sometimes I do wonder. What did I get myself into?

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New Developments & Endless Cleaning!


Booked a cruise! Yippee…cannot wait for that day where we board the cruise to Phuket and Penang. Not sure how Eli will fare then. Wonder if he can walk and wander the ship by then. Dec hols…so looking forward.

Recently, there’s been news that Eli might not get a place in the toddler section when he turns 18months. Being a paranoia mum, I started calling the school, talked to the principal and even wanted to source out for new schools. Seriously, the schools in Sengkang and Punggol are in severe shortage. Not sure if it is fortunate or unfortunate, I was told/reassured by the principal that the probability of Eli not being able to get a place is super low. In my mind I was thinking why should I sign that piece of paper to acknowledge that Eli might not get a place. Jeez. Waste of my time.

Eli has shown and developed new skills.

Art of screaming his head off is no longer new…now, he starts to fight with peers for toys. Amazement. My fierce boy.

At home, he shows resilience. Never say die attitude despite us telling him many times not to climb e chairs or touch e socket. His need to explore has grown tremendous. Now we always have to be either behind, beside or below him…hahahahaha Eli has shown history of falling in less than 2 seconds. And my boy knows no fear. Monkey!

I love the pictures the teacher took of him in infant care. Shows that my son is a happy bb. At least I believe he is. He is never really shy to give strangers a smile. Though recently, the separation anxiety has heightened quite a bit. Could not leave him in e arms of a stranger immediately…must warm up, play much much b4 allowing others to carry. Good thing. Am assured he won’t b following any random stranger wo kicking a big fuss!

His 2 bottom teeth also appeared. That means brushing teeth is the next activity. AHHHHH more things to do prior bedtime. With teeth…it means more drooling, more food and more snacks. hehehehe I love bb snacks. Yummyz…no wonder I am not getting skinny…all thanks to Eli. Yes uncle markie, I love to blame everyone else for my weight…wahahahaha seriously, his rice puffs of strawberries, apples and peaches aren’t helping!

In the midst of everything, I took the time to bake. Sadly, my muffins did not taste as nice as I wanted them to do so. My frittatas were delicious…but had to be straight from the oven. Of course, thanks to uncle markie for keeping Eli at bay could I achieve so much….

School’s great. Accomplished loads of cleaning these few days. Great company as well. Loving every min.

Xmas is nearing. Can’t wait. This time, there’s 3 to celebrate the festive season. HEARTS & HUGS!

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