
So here I am getting a breather while my son sleeps (over stimulation for today as we were out since morning) through multiple feeding times. Sacred peace = momentarily enjoyment!

Next week – a total whirlwind as Eli will b introduced into infant care. Never thought he will start ‘school’ so quickly. Then again…we totally require that slot just below my house. Now that we got it…worries follow. Major one will b feeding issue! Our dear friend has been so fussy recently that he rejects bottle feeding regardless e type of milk on it. Despite teats change, he still much prefer to latch on…Sighz…

Tough to introduce bottle feeding as e sole care giver…totally hope that e teachers in e infant care helps me assimilate him fully into e envt w/o much difficulty come e upcoming weeks. At least I have weeks to do so!

E thought of having at least some form of respite next month secretly thrills me though. Finally I can do my household chores w/o interruptions. Able to groom myself of all sorts and run errands w/o needing to think how to settle him when outside. Feels angsty all e time w him around. Never know when, where he will start his eruptions. Hates e public looks of ‘How u take care of your kid? Letting him bawl in public?’ Though I know it’s not my fault of any…I just hates e inability to predict e situation of any kind.

Reflection – getting more patient but super control freak every min. Not sure if I like e change. Hmmm.

Still pretty much a social recluse at this point in time. Am considering joining social groups to up my social index in april…wondering of its even wise to do so. Highly inclined to just hibernate and sleep through April b4 going back to work. Slept debt seriously catching up on me mega time. How did I survive on 4hrs of sleep everyday? I am definitely super woman!

Closing to end of march. Moving on to April. Till now…after all ranting…life still great! 😏

Life as it is!

How time flies! Already midst of my maternity leave. Eli is growing well…great to see him progress esp during his tummy time. Feels great to see him lift up his head and his limbs are definitely strong, muscular and totally can’t wait to stand up!

Life hasn’t been all that fun these few months but I think it’s pretty rewarding to see someone grow and develop skills under my care!



Was also catching repeats on cable ( yes, starhub should do something bout introducing new shows, considering me paying quite a bit per month to end up depending on Internet?! Jeez!)…anyways, 1 particular drama made me felt that life really is shorter than we think. But as long as memories were made in e lifetime and that fleeting moment in my mind b4 I do leave isn’t a blank, I should b grateful for life as it is now.

So despite all e boredom!!! Life’s been great!

Independent Motherhood

When I read on multiple forums on mums managing themselves taking care of multiple kids, I though it would be easy taking care of Eli alone.
So moving back to Punggol did not seem like a daunting task. Afterall, I am only handling 1 kid.

Things totally went unexpected. Considering that I am breastfeeding (which is btw, a freaking tiring thing already), I had to also take care of the house + my meals.
As Eli proved to be quite decently all right in the day at my parents’ place, I thought, “Well, things will jolly well be the same. I can definitely manage + even bake a cake in the midst of everything!” Apparently, I was too optimistic + too naive.

Eli decided to play Devil and totally thwart all plans. Felt super drained out the past 2 days. Gosh! Only 2 days have passed despite all the flurry of breastfeeding.

So if I want to compare the routines at the 2 homes, here they are:

Routine during confinement at my parents’ place:
6am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
7am – Wash up bottles + myself + apply cream + take supplements
8am – Breakfast
9am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
10-11.30am – Eli’s awake moment aka long time pacifying him; otherwise, it’s my free time to surf net or read e papers/books + expressing milk for few night feeds
12noon – Lunch
1pm – Massage + break away from Eli (thanks to my aunt for helping)
2.30pm – Wash bottles + myself (again)
3pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
4pm to 6pm – Love this moment Eli just sleeps through. GORGEOUS! Best time for me to catch my drama shows! I even have time for snacks! + expressing out milk enough for few night feeds
6pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
7.30pm – Time to hand over to my mum/uncle mark + Dinner (in peace) + catch abit of TV shows
9pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers (it’s easier as uncle mark/my mum will help)
11pm, 2am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers (done by uncle mark while I get some beauty sleep)
4am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers (& the routine continues again)

Routine at Punggol House:
6am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
8am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
9am – Wash bottles, Breakfast, Write Blog, Surf Net (Aka what I am updating now), prepare lunch + apply cream + take supplements + expressing milk for seriously only 1 night feed…etc…
10am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
11am – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
12noon – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
1pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers + squeeze in bites of lunch
2pm – Finally some form of rest… zzzz + wash plates + throw rubbish + go toilet (always forgetting) + bathing + clean house
4pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers
5pm – Feed & pacify Eli to sleep + change diapers + squeeze in time to defrost items for din din + cooking whatever I can with 1 freaking hand for din din with the other carrying the fussy fellow
6pm onwards – Throw him to uncle mark while I finish up things done halfway in the day or just pure washing after din din

Super tiring! How did those mums manage to even bring their older kids out to play while managing the infant?! It’s totally clueless to me right now. At Eli’s 1mth old period, these few words just keep on playing in my mind – backache, tiredness, fatigue, lethargic…hopefully things will perk up before I go insane on just purely breastfeeding every other min. Which also means that now I breastfeed so often, I actually lack of enough milk to express out for the night feeds – aka – having to also breastfeed at night….sobz…no more beauty sleep (I foresee).

And the routines bloody eliminates the washing up of his clothes + every other cloths used & bathing him. Can’t handle everything…so leaving the washing of Eli & his items to uncle mark.

Advantage? I am now a master of doing things 1-handed. The other? Lifting the weight of Elijah Sng – who is getting damn heavy that my back aches at the thought of carrying him continuously for a few hours. And I even boasted to uncle mark previously that I will definitely bring him down every day for a walk in the park. Now?! What walk? I need sleep URGENTLY so just get that fuss-pot into bed RIGHT NOW! Sighz…

As per what my cousin told me – Enjoy Motherhood!
